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Are you the ideal client for an advertising agency?

Writer's picture: vMediavMedia

Have fun with our quiz and found out is and advertising agency for you

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"For one marketing campaign, you will take 1,000 euros, and for a month of work, you will charge me 2,500 euros and more. How can this be possible and why do you think I can't do it myself?' - we hear at meetings with certain micro-companies, for which liquidity and business stability are a great challenge. Frustrated with their situation, which sometimes (wrongly) seems unchangeable to them, directors of small businesses often 'attack' marketing professionals, just like a day later they attack car mechanics because they 'cheated' them for €200 in 30 minutes of work, or doctors because they took €70 from them after a 45-minute ultrasound.

What the angry do not want to admit is that all of them - doctors, car mechanics, good beauticians, top professors, the best marketers, etc., have been educated for over 15+ years, so that they immediately know what is wrong, what needs to be fixed and how exactly to do it.

Just some of the situations in which they find themselves and do not want to accept the help of others:

1. They raised their brand from scratch or inherited it from their parents, built it over the years, and relied on advertising 'from ear to ear'. But the market has changed and the people who used to be their customers are no longer so today. Aware of the new situation, they have long resisted any investment in advertising, and especially shy away from marketing agencies, thinking that someone will take their last money. They don't even remember to launch any marketing campaign themselves, and if they do, they often quickly give up with the attitude that it 'doesn't work'...

2. They know everything themselves. They are educated about Google Ads, copywriting, SEO, social media stacking, artificial intelligence, and event organization, literally at the same time. They do everything ad-hoc and without a plan, rushing from one activity to another, until after many months (or years) they realize that they have spent a lot of money on the hazelnut effect.

advertising agency

3. They seek the help of a marketing professional, but they monitor him at every step without stopping. They do not allow the agency to propose and implement new ideas, everything they agree on is reviewed, re-approved, and micromanaged, which ultimately results in either the cancellation of the contract by the agency or too much frustration for the client, who has been wandering for years not knowing how to let go of the reins.

Fortunately, some people quickly recognize the value of marketing experts, are happy to leave part of their work, learn from marketers, absorb knowledge, and quickly adapt to new trends, consumer habits, and a constantly changing market.

Are you the ideal client for an advertising agency and the one who will be rejected by a good agency with 'we can't help you'? Check it out below...

1. I control everything by myself -1

2. I like to delegate tasks to others +1

3. I like to hear advice from experts about my job, without it offending me +1

4. I can't accept criticism for what I do -1

5. It's hard for me to understand what marketers mean -1

6. I don't like changes or novelties -1

7. Trends are there to be followed, but if they suit our brands +1

8. Good brainstorming with someone who looks at us from the outside, can bring us a lot of benefits +1

9. I have people who can learn marketing, so it's not that hard! -1

10. I don't invest in educating my people, I don't see the need for it -1

11. Investing in people is an investment in my business's future+1

12. I dare to try smart tools +1

13. Artificial intelligence will destroy us -1

14. Artificial intelligence is not omniscient, but I will be happy to use its benefits +1

15. It's easier for me to coordinate tasks with others than to do everything solo +1

16. I'm smarter than any marketing connoisseur -1

17. Marketing? it doesn't occur to me to pay for it -1

18. With the right investments in marketing, I prosper many times over +1

19. I'm angry when a marketing campaign doesn't increase sales x3 -1

20. The goal of some campaigns is to bring an increase in sales, and the others is the recognition for the brand, with which customers gain trust +1

Add up your points of view and if you have between 8 and 10 points, you are an ideal client for an advertising agency. If your number is below 8, working with a marketing professional will be quite challenging, but not impossible if you try to listen! And if you're well below number 5, I wouldn't recommend contacting a marketing agency. You don't speak the same language.

advertising agency

Sometimes it is much more important for the business to understand who you are, what you want to achieve, and where you are going, and then surround yourself with people who want to help you than to rush through the wastelands of the marketing world, switch from one quasi-expert with no experience to another and say that there are no results. What others hear when you say this, is that – your product or service is worth nothing.

Advice for you

In the end, I would advise you as someone who has been working and educating herself in marketing for over 15+ years, with a lot of challenges done during a million marketing surround yourself with people who primarily have expert knowledge, are willing to do whatever it takes for you and have that incredibly contagious positive energy that opens doors! That way, you will succeed (we will succeed!) whatever you advertise! Contact us today! 😊


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